Bigos (mish-mash)

Yesterday (Friday) a friend of mine had an operation. I was too timid to ask a few days earlier about its exact time and location. But I was worried, there was a possibility that he might need someone. Thus early Friday morning (and I am not a morning person) I called the default hospital. I was told that they don’t have any notices in advance in the case of out-patient operations. I wondered if it was true, or was it just the receptionist. After two calls I just got on the bus and went to the hospital. There definitely they had no record of his operation scheduled at any time, be it in- or out-patient. Now I was more worried because he didn’t answer my phone made just after h.17 (5pm). Thus I got on the bus, and then walked fast some distance to his house. There were cars parked on the street, and they looked all the same to me more or less. One of them could have been his. All doors were locked, and the house looked dead but there was a chance of him being unconscious inside. He doesn’t know it yet but I actually called police (after many calls–someone in the hospital also advised me to call 911). The conversation with the police department took a few minutes. Some questions were supposed to check if I make sense, I guess (What is your FIRST name? Spell it please. Was it your LAST name?). A police car came some 25 minutes after the conversation. They were very good (the ones in Sunnyvale on a completely different occasions were not at all). They checked everything possible and decided that most likely my friend is not inside, that breaking in is not justified (I got this feeling too, because his car was not there after all). And they were right. But I made a few more calls to my friend. Finally he answered, somewhat annoyed, quite justifiably. Oooph. And his surgery, according to him, went fine but for a certain complication.

He had his surgery at a different hospital, on an out-patient basis–no wonder I (or rather police, after I told them about the possibility of that other hospital) didn’t get any information from them.

All that my worrying and good will amounted to was unnecessarily bothering a poor fellow, weak after his surgery. I am not making too much sense.

I should and want to think intensively about applying pinnings to Ramsey Theory. And I should continue to write about it despite having only and barely some initial observations and computations. Perhaps I should still focus on the triangles-tetraedra case (the 2-color case).

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I’ve written to MK about my willingness to write for Delta (in Polish) on unicolor triangles and on the minusops-cyclands-Inteland theme. We are old friends from student years, in the same group, and student military service (almost an oxymoron :-)). He passed my case to his young Delta coworkers.

Here at Starbucks I talked to many people about their activities. One of them happened to be molecular biologist (neurons, etc.) B.Y. from UM. After the initial improvised meeting we made an appointment for today, and had here a working session. B.Y. has presented some of his research topics and open questions. It gave me also an occasion–during the second part of the meeting–to get acquainted with his small daughter. She was quite bored by our conversation though :-). I hope for an interesting development involving applications of mathematics and parallel processing (or computers in general) to biology. A lot of it was done already over many years but it is still as interesting and exciting as always.

There were today, and there always are, many more silly things to mention but I already have written way too much.

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